Upright doing some otter stuff

Upright doing some otter stuff

“Though a household of big otters can bring down a caiman, the alligator-like reptiles originate (infrequently) prey on otters. Genuinely, they’re in regards to the handiest thing that does. A household of big otters is reasonably mighty indestructible, so it’s a steady thing they’re satisfied unbiased steady fascinating fish.” sauce: http://www.wired.com/2014/11/wide-otters-social-vocalizations/#accelerate-identity-1633209 and doing the good …

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Supply: https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=857879577613109&fref=nf sauce: https://www.youtube.com/uncover?v=euHh6fFwpFg Sorry for potato high-quality, these are the otters at Edinburgh zoo on Valentines Day 2015 http://on.aol.com/video/otters-otterly-in-be pleased-518646180